Home ➜ Drainfix® Clean Filter substrate channel system
Drainfix Clean Filter Substrate Channel System
Filter substrate channel system that can be used in all applications but especially in densely built areas.
The Drainfix Clean system is an intelligent solution for the draining, collection and treatment at source of storm water runoffs. The system comprises of heavy duty Faserfix Super channels complete with ductile iron grates; load classes D400 to F900.
Each channel contains a carbon rich substrate filter through which the cleansing of the storm water runoff occurs; pollutants such as zinc, copper, lead and fuel hydrocarbons as well as fine particles are trapped within the substrate material. The channels also offer large retention capacities that allow the system to handle high volumes of water.
Drainfix Clean Benefits
- complies with EN 1433
- different grating options
- spherical ductile iron; KTL coating optional
- loading capacities from D 400 up to F 900
- filter substrate contains carbonate
- high carbonate content (lasts many decades)
- precipitation / fixation of dissolved heavy metals
- strong filtering effect; retention of very fine particles (0.006 to 0.060 mm)
- cleaning performance is equivalent to a 30 cm thick layer of unsaturated ground zones
Technical Summary
Application areas
For the treatment of polluted storm water from surfaces exposed to traffic, e.g.:
- parking lots
- yards
- trading estates
- roads with heavy traffic
Ideal in situations where space is at a premium. Due to its large retention space, the system is also suitable for heavy rain events.
- Based on the surface filtration principle
- Good cleaning capacity
- Reduction of the particular fractions of > 90 %
- Long service intervals due to the large filter surface; servicing is easy and fast
- The channel filters can be exposed to traffic loads of up
- to class F 900
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Over the past 50 years, Galco has become a recognized leader offering high quality equipment and systems. We are dedicated to exploring the latest construction technologies to generate cost savings for clients.
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